Save those "milk jugs"... Halloween is right around the corner!!!

Clean plastic gallon milk jugs
Black permanent marker
Craft knife
String of 50 clear low-wattage holiday lights (or use any color you like)
Draw silly eyes, nose and mouths (be creative) on the jugs. Tip: Leave the caps on while you do this, so the jugs don't dent.
Use the craft knife to cut a half-dollar-size hole in the back of each jug (a parent's job).
Push lights through milk hole that was made. Plug in and Enjoy. You can decorate around the jugs for more fun!!
Coffee Can Scarecrow
What you need:
Brown / Tan felt
Orange felt
Yarn or burlap string
Straw hat (or another creative head covering)
Elmer's glue
Glue sticks / hot glue gun
Artificial flower (optional)
Cover coffee can with tan felt. Use hot glue gun to apply buttons for eyes. Cut a triangle from orange felt and use Elmer's glue to place triangle as nose. Use yarn or string to make mouth (see picture for design idea) and secure with Elmer's glue. Use hot glue to secure straw and hat on top of scarecrow head (coffee can). Set out and enjoy!
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