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It's Not About You.


It's not about you. That's the opening line from Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life.

Even though it has been roughly eight years since I first read those words, they still resonate in my mind. However instead of being a reminder of my purpose, they have become a warning about my thinking. 

You may suggest that this makes me shallow. I may agree. Yet I believe one's thinking is directly related to the success in fulfilling one's purpose. 

I must confess that my thinking has been known to be broken from time to time leaving me in desperate need of the reminder that is isn't about me. 

So what has caused this flawed thinking? I believe the answer is insecurities which are the adversary to a healthy mind. 

Insecurities misinterpret comments, misread looks, and misunderstand actions. Then they create a new story to tell. A warped story with too much drama and not enough balanced perspective. A story that raises me higher or pushes me lower than I really am. Either way the story always revolves around me which is a clear sign that I'm off track. Because we all know that it's not about me. 

Will I ever get this right? 

Maybe not, but I can be better.

Here are a few steps I am in the process of taking to help:
  • Dismiss thoughts that someone is against me unless they have come to me directly to express this.
  • Resist the urge to get offended by comments, looks, actions, or social media rants that are not directly (like using my name directly) for me. 
  • Focus on my work without comparing it to others. 
  • Remember that I'm just a small piece of the puzzle we call life.
  • Honor God with all I have.

Will you join me? Let's quite the insecurities and win back our thoughts.

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