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Have a Case of the Blahs? Show Up Anyway!

Here is a special post that was meant just for my writing journal; however after completing it I felt the need to share. Here it is. Me uncut and unpolished! 

It is another one of those days when I am writing just simply to check off the fact that I have written for my blog. Writing needs to be a daily discipline, but some days I have nothing awe inspiring, funny, or pointed to say. Some days I feel empty, and I wouldn't want to bore you with the details of the blahs. I am the helper. I don’t like to be the burden. I hope there is something one day to be said for showing up and putting in the work even when I don’t want to; when the road isn't exciting and the progress isn't rapid.

It is challenging to write something great when you don’t feel great. Seth Godin, however, made a powerful statement that I recently read. He said that to him, writing was like talking. He went on to say that he never woke up and forgot how to talk so he couldn't see how he would get “writer’s block”. He just writes. I guess to a point that is what I am trying to do. Just write and not worry about the profoundness of the writing. And just maybe there will come a point where the writing is productive. Where my thoughts turn to living a life of freedom. Where I could inspire you to push through even when you don’t feel like it.

So what is one thing that you should show up for even when you don’t feel like it? 


  1. LOVE! Thank you for sharing with me :o)

  2. Cassandra, thanks for reading. You inspire so many people. The fact that you show up changes lives!
